Monday 8 October 2012

Motivation has left the building.

I'm desperately trying to phsyche myself up at the prospect of researching and beginning the ellusive Final Major Project. However, it seems the harder I try to muster the excitement or the need to do work the more I cannot bring myself to even set foot in a library, let alone open a book and write some words.

I guess starting a dissertation means facing up to the fact that my time as a student is fast running out. We all know the good life can't last forever. I want to look back safe in the knowledge that I made the best of the time I've spent at university - in terms of both work and play.

Going out into the real world seems like a daunting prospect right now. I'm trying to keep in mind the fact that I'm still incredibly young and, whichever direction I eventually choose to take will be worth any struggles or obstacles that may get in my way.

Although the last two years of my life have not been without their problems, I will never ever regret my decision to attend university. I may not have shown my full potential in certain aspects of my academic career so far, but I am determined to make this year my year. Keeping this simple fact in mind and the knowledge that I will give my absolute best to my third and final year at university, I hope to make myself proud.

Anyway, emotional rant over. It's time to do some bloody work.

Wish me luck

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